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holidays without plan = take some picts! #girlsalwaysdothat

karna kakak kelas 12 lagi ujian sekolah,jadinya yang kelas 10 diliburin 1 minggu.enak banget kan tapi sayangnya gapunya planning sama sekali mau liburan kemana dan sama siapa:( jadinya karna setiap hari home alone akhirnya..........hehe nyobain baju yang ada di lemari terus fotoan gitu,well this the result! btw thanks for my lovely sister who takes all of the pict!*hug*
Postingan terbaru

Trawangan island!

vintage red


being normal is boring,lets be different! #proudtobealay

My vacation is almost over , yeah you know this is the longest holiday and I feel stuck , maybe I should spend this holiday with take some alay pictures :)

“Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”


thats right! :)